Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Shall We Dance

shall we
exchange motions
of inverse proportions
symbiotic breaths
rhythmic contortions
thematic volleys
of truthful follies
enlightening as we go
shall we
keep time to
transcendental beats
and earth tones
sway to the harps strummed by cherubims
transforming waves
as they carom
from purple majesties
shall we dance
atop crystal lakes
reflecting us reflecting
as two souls become one
shall we dance the dance
wrapped in red velvet
a passionate musing
of modulating colloquy
a mental game of chance
shall we dance the dance...

of love

Queen Of The Night (Revised 2012)

i envision you
to the sound of a jazz trumpeter,
in a dimly backlit space
you seem to materialize
from the jasmine flavored smoke
as you lie gently on the alter
your love is the burnt offering
inviting me into your sanguine,
consecrated devotion

You are "Queen of the Night."

As the band plays,
each note taking me deeper
into this brown study.
The evocative composition
made by your body
inspires symbiotic eurythmics.

You are "Queen of the Night."

Music like waves,
seducing my surrender to your will.
You are a maestro;
legs docentship to the euphony,
arms advancing the adagio,
your voice as the wind,
cajoling the ketch.

You are "Queen of the Night."

I wake
like a shipwrecked castaway;
on a mystical black sand beach.
You emerge from the brush like an African Lilith,
with a knowing smile
and a rhetorical question...

are you glad you came?

- the thelosopher
Love: A Definition (Revised 2009 and 2012)

it establishes the orbits,
betwixt atoms, friends
and trees in a forest.
planets align along its axis.

trajectories bend to its will,
life the result.
both attracted and repulsed.
with respected boundaries,
and admired inner spaces,
burning sweetly within view

it sets order to chaos,
with unknowable plans.
an intellectual paradise,
balanced symbiosis.

it sets time and rhythm,
on scales intractable.
and unmeasurable bars;
a symphony estoile

it is ethereal,
but wholly foreseeable.
when inducted thus instructed,
unconsciously constructed;
love is its name

- the thelosopher

Monday, October 01, 2007

Education As A Commercial Transaction

Education As Commerce

Arguing about college affordability is oxymoronic and paradoxical. The motivations of an educated society should be altruistic. Education in the specter of commerce creates a cast society that was all but abolished with the Magna Carta. In order to pull America out of its greed-induced coma (thus awakening to the new world's knowledge economy), commerce needs to be extracted from all super-structure institutions, education being one of them.

How is America to compete with the world on equal footing when a large majority of the education (and Health-Care) systems of competing nations are funded by respective Govt.'s. American High School students are competing with Baccalaureates and our Baccalaureates are competing with Master degree holders, and so on. Not to mention the post-graduate debt that casts entry-level work force into instant and lasting poverty. The indentured servitude paradigm of the American educational system does not serve it's citizens or the nation as a whole.

The paradigm makes no logical sense unless you look at it from a economical standpoint. If this were a trial, I (being prosecutor) would be trying to establish motive. The question would then be; Who benefits from a less educated society? At this epoch in American history, where businesses are getting larger and more consolidated, there is lessening need for a highly-skilled workforce. The systems and processes are so tuned and established, that a monkey could be plugged into it and efficient functionality would be preserved. And monkeys are what our educational system is churning out.

Now, having established those premises, we have to ask; If education is not required for the job market on a need basis, then on what basis is it (education) required for the discussion of affordability to be anything other than moot? The education system as we know it has shifted from a purposeful activity toward the advancement of humankind, to a commerce-based free-market exchange. A bachelors degree is worth X amount of $, a Masters X amount and so on. In this paradigm college affordability is a proper argument to have.

The value of education has been calculated by actuaries, planned into bottom-lines by CFO's, and invested in by students with the hope of high returns. The market-based super-structure has usurped the "Good" of education, for self-improvement as benefit paradigm. Hence, you have less and less students pursuing the Liberal Arts. Sociologist's are not as marketable as MBA's! (Retraction: Sociologist's are recruited by major retail firms to figure out ways to market to you). Education for the sake of knowledge is a dying ethic.

Now that we know what the purpose and value of education is in our brave new world, we can haggle about cost vs. return. I propose the Federal Government, via the Department of Education subsidize ALL loans, mitigating the high interest rates for all loans. To do this all grant money would be shifted to subsidization efforts. This would allow for higher payouts (covering 100% of college costs for all students). This accomplishes three key goals of education finance; Availability, Coverage and Fairness. Because as we know, this is a market, therefore we all must pay to play. When we have our "Big Brother" haggling with banks for best prices, I'm betting he'll make offers they can't refuse.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Torture as Business (Revised 2011)

torture works, man
the vice gets tighter er'ry day
torture works, man,
you gotta pay to play

phlebotomy, or
secrets, for
fraudulent loans,
for homes,
now government owned.
how degrading,
when you gotta cheat to eat.
pulling out fingernails, dollars and souls.
torture works, man!
the vice gets tighter er'ry day.
torture works, man,
you gotta pay to play.

no one's immune.
interest rates impugned,
placed on heads of avariced goons
how does it feel?
when cracking whips get louder still.
so now we're all stretched thinner.
what's for dinner?
milk will cost a leg,
vegetables an arm.
we might as well eat each other.
torture works, man!
the vice gets tighter er'ry day.
torture works, man,
you gotta pay to play.

we're in stocks,
for stocks.
in bonds,
for bonds.
men under keys and locks.
hedged bets,
versus stacked decks.
mortgaging futures,
for futures,
when none exists
its gettin' hot in this convection oven!

overstuffed slave ships,
turns into
overtaxed wages and tips.
cold war defense systems,
now a different war
supported by new -isms.
Dow Jones got you disheveled?
or maybe just terror threat levels?
all of it increasing bottom-lines.
torture works, man!
the vice gets tighter er'ry day
torture works, man,
you gotta pay to play.

we're not averse to torture,
ends justify means.
its part of our culture,
blood stains the fabric of our jeans.
choose to comply,
or be an example.
our steeds pull men apart,
the others are trampled.
torture works, man!
the vice gets tighter er'ry day
torture works, man,
you gotta play or pay!

-the thelosopher
Complexity is a boon to Terrorists, Multinationals and News/Market Makers

we are falling head long into an era of defacto-communism. security and financial threats are causing us to infuse the federal govt. with more and more power. the federalization of airlines, border and market security, as well as gov't. bailouts of failing companies, will have us waking up a communist country. case in point; because the financial markets have become so diffused by derivatives (implemented by middlemen to usurp wealth) so as to be almost completely detached from the individual consumer/investor. therefore, miscalculated valuations of securities cause (supposed) severe central bank collapses* , enter the "Fed". secondly, physical security is also in question. with bureau (Homeland Security) stacked on top of bureau (FBI, CIA, NSA, State/Local Police ect.), the efficiency needed in prevention and reaction is hampered (another example of a derivative/complexity problem)*. every business/reasonable-minded person can understand the diminishing returns of added complexity*. the problem is that large, slow and wealthy institutions are unwilling (or unable; due to stockholder pressures and/or gov't. regulations) to scratch the current trends and simplify*....enter private equity, exit Dow Jones! Dow Jones is the equivalent of the daily "Terror Threat Level"; an agent of fear mongering/economic terrorism! (so is the daily local/national news for that matter). we are living in a time where "news" is the impetus for economic volatility (instead of the other way around). therefore news-makers have the power to create/destroy the wealth of nations. John Kerry once said, "we need to treat terrorism like a mere nuisance." to do otherwise gives terrorists (economic or islamofacist/CIA assets) the power to actually end our democracy.

*this is conventional logic made null by the superstructure known as "multinational corporations"

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The love affair with the lie of individualism

modern western philosophers such as Locke, professed individualism and personal sovereignty, while oxymoronically espousing God's sovereignty. it is this paradoxical idealism that created the United States and sealed it's fate simultaneously. all rationalizations of avarice, disguised as manifest destiny extend from these precepts. a nation of individuals is no nation at all. the "American Dream" propaganda deeply veils the establishment of a new creation in the earth; a corporate superstructure, that usurps all previously known powers and establishments. two men can no longer barter for sustainability, because this new power provides all reference and value. the freedom myth of America extends far into our psyche, making it hard to reconcile that the very establishment of a society marks the beginning of the end of freedom. by definition, a society has norms, boundaries and customs, these are all forms of control; the antithesis of freedom.

Why do we form societies? One word; fear. We (humans) believe that we must control variables, establish knowns therefore create for ourselves a rational reality, however absurd. We fear unknowns and are predisposed to avoid the pain of confronting random events. war is the confluence of avarice and fear, with the stated purpose of ensuring security and sustainability (another paradoxical paradigm. war begets more war decreasing both security and sustainability).

as we look through the looking glass we see this corporate superstructure in all its unconscious mechanics. the rise and fall of civilizations are synchronous to market ebbs and flows. all humans are chattel and human endeavors are inconsequential. the dynamo powering this mechanism is human fear. fear is the devourer of freedom. in the history of man and cosmopolitan metropolises, there are very few things that can be agreed upon. unfortunately these things are fear and greed. these are the building blocks of societies, societies that ultimately crush humanity, and we did it to ourselves.

See this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jufT3v1roaU

Friday, August 17, 2007

Pimp Mentality

What's going' on. There seems to be a big disconnect in the man-woman thing these days. They don't understand us and we will never understand them. What is the cause for all this confusion? Well in the following paragraphs I will attempt to diagnose the problem and offer some prescriptions.

Let's start a couple of generations back. There were, in those times, very established gender roles. For good or bad people knew where they stood and knew what was expected of them. Then there were the 60’s. Free love, women's lib, and the turning on its head of traditional belief structures. This was partly due to an unveiling of long standing male-dominated structures. Women wanted equality, minorities wanted it too. As these transformations are taking place for what seemed at the time to be for good, caused an upheaval in cultural norms that are still reverberating till this day.

As the decade came to an end and the fervor of liberty was replaced by narcotic-induced apathy. As a result (intentiality can be argued) we started down the path of reassertion of power by men. This was systematically implemented in an accidental and opportunistic way. Because of the previously mentioned upheaval, many women were disillusioned and lacked the generational support to deal with their new found liberty. They were self-conscious, and generally lacked the confidence to seize the moment. Opportunistically rouge men preyed on these women. Now in the 70's we start to see an exploitive paradigm shaping.

For generations past a pimp was looked at as a loser, a leach ect. But because of the new exploitive culture and the fact that most men at this point were feeling a little disenfranchised because of the new women's movement, it is plausible to conceive how men could applaud such activities. Why, because it showed masculine power. Think about it. If you're a man who is having trouble dealing with your woman and all her new (potential, not yet fully realized) empowerment, at the same time remembering your father's domination, you tend to appreciate a man who can "control" a woman's mind in this most extreme way.

So now you have pimps as heroes. (We all know how groupie-ish women are; if it doesn't apply don't get mad). Women love men with power no matter from where it is derived. Men are looking up to pimps; women want to be next to them (which in turn makes men look up to them even more). With the perceived de-masculinity of males, blurred gender roles and an exploitive paradigm in place, you have the seeds sown for a cultural collapse.

Men imitate the best (or what we conceive is the best) and memorize the rest. So a new generation of men imitating the pimps we know (or the ones we see on TV and in movies). Add this to the fact of less and less fathers in the home, showing their young sons how to be real men; the results are evident.

Let's now begin the scientific analysis of the "Pimp Mentality". A pimp (from my studies at the Street University and Hustlin' Graduate School) is some one who uses slick talk to sell (in this case a woman) a dream. What is so insidious about it is that we all know women love to dream. To do this your "game" has to maintain a suspension of disbelief. You have to deceive the victim by being perceived as being a “Trusted Adviser” or “Manager” all the while usurping more influence over time. The other main idea is to appear to have the well being of your victim in mind. I would go further in detail but I don't want this article to turn into Pimping 101.

The pimping started as an attempt to re-empower the male, recapturing control of the woman (and of course, financial gain). But the "Pimp Mentality" has many ancillary negative social implications; Men looking to find gain off of the backs of women (pun intended), men not pursuing their own personal development, women being turned onto whorish behaviors, simultaneously being sold a dream that will never become reality. Who (besides Richard Gere) is going to marry a whore.

Male Generation X’ers who for the most part grew up in a fatherless home, are looking up to pimps, drug dealers and other dreads of society. They also have an under-developed sense of self, combined with the schizophrenic battle between traditional male roles and this new pimp mentality. This ideology is now coming up against a new type of woman. This new woman is second-generation liberated with support to help her esteem (see Oprah), which renders the Gen-X male figuratively (and literally) impotent. He has spent his formative years hanging out, drinking cheap beer, smoking weed and banging easy young women. To maintain the fundamental man-woman symbiosis, he will have to employ the pimp mentality (as the only social arrow in a depleted intellectual quiver). There are other derivatives in play here: Asexuality; as a result of the inability of this Gen X male to fully understand his role in this dialectic.

This is the self-inflicted and perpetuated cross we must bear. How do we resolve this great divide? The man-woman chasm must be forded. To do that we as men have to repent of this "pimp mentality". We must take the time to evaluate ourselves, realizing that we are intellectually under-developed, socially inept, and spiritually bankrupt. Unless we break the cycle of fatherlessness, by teaching our young men to develop themselves, pursue goals and wait for maturity before engaging in sexual activity, we as a people will be victims of social Darwinism.

- the thelosopher
what is the matrix?

The current corporate free-market paradigm is usurping the common good. The common good is an idea predicated on economic and/or political non-influence. The free-market enables the evil of greed to persist unchecked (either intentionally or unintentionally). Governments are in place to first serve and protect it's citizens. How can an altruistic ideal government come into existence when it consistently operates at the behest of corporations (i.e. economic/political interests)? (public) Corporations are cannibalistic in that they are made up of the public (via interest and/or employment of) while simultaneously saprophytically digesting it. It is a parasitic symbiotic relationship rather than a mutualistic one, in that the usable byproduct of the corporate entity is not equal in value to its consumption. This free-market cycle of ossification and regeneration will persist until the public completely disengages, demanding a more equitable enterprise. This antipathy could be a backlash to the current oppressive economic phlebotomy, or preferably, the result of rational choice; realizing the insanity of such a barren matrix.

A corporation is the personification of an egoistic entity without the compunction of a human. Therefore it will consume unconsciously, devoid of inherent malice or empathy.

For confirmation and added support for this thesis check out: http://www.thecorporation.com/ and http://www.storyofstuff.com/