Saturday, April 07, 2012

The Substance of Rights

WARNING! I'm about to get all 1850's radical on you. Common “natural resources” should have shared access and use, that's a given, but I submit that for common “economic resources," there should be the same shared access and use. What economic resource am I describing?...Money! One might ask; "Is money a "common" resource?" The short answer is yes. The long answer has to do with the 14th Amendment, which created a national public debt (that cannot be questioned, by the way) and must be paid by all citizens through taxes, regardless of who racks it up. So if the debt, which constitutes 95+% of the circulating money, is a common obligation, why should it not be a common resource with open access and use? 

Because of the way money is created (by public debt), there should be no barrier to entry, no qualifier beyond citizenship and a legal and productive use for the money requested. (I am an advocate of opening the banksters purse straps to allow American innovation and ingenuity to grow the economy). There will be some winners and losers, but economic history has shown that winners outweigh losers. Totally open credit is the only salve for this economy...If banksters knew business, they'd be doing it! 

So, to get back to the original question; "What is a resource?" A resource is anything that can be transformed by labor to produce extra value. Since we have placed a dollar value on everything (even the natural), we have thus made money the preeminent resource, therefore access to money can have no legitimate privilege or qualifier. Or else we say to a human being, it is a privilege to live. But I do recall that our Constitution admits the “RIGHT TO LIFE.” So in an economy where money is the preeminent resource, every citizen should have a right to it as a function of their “right to life.” 

Moreover, all usury is theft and an encroachment on the RIGHT TO LIFE! 

Here's a logical syllogism that sums it up; We have accepted that all men have a right to life. If everything in this life (food, water and shelter) now costs money, then money becomes the substance of your right to life, and access to money becomes a right. If access to money becomes a right, then charging a price for, or making access to this substance a privilege becomes an encroachment on that accepted right to life. Therefore all charges for, or privilege to money is wrong/a violation/a unacceptable encroachment on the accepted and admitted right to life! The second phase of this encroachment on the right to life is profit, which is a logical extension of usury/interest/charge and privileged access to money. 

The way to cure this wrong/violation/sin/unacceptable encroachment on the "right to life," is to give free, unprivileged access to the money required to sustain life and uphold the fundamental "RIGHT TO LIFE."

“We the People” have established and entrusted the government to protect and enforce our natural rights, therefore it represents a breach of that trust for that government to allow or support a money system that operates in direct violation of our natural rights; the “RIGHT TO LIFE.”

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