Monday, May 28, 2012

The Impossibility of "Gault's Gulch"

Utopia Of Greed, or Something Else?

In Gault’s Gulch, a.k.a. the “Utopia of Greed,” there is no sacrifice. The inhabitants thereof do not sacrifice their time, effort  or talent, for in this utopia, these are not sacrifices, only investments. Neither do the inhabitants venture to sacrifice their will, property or right to increase for the “common good.” In the case of the latter, there is some inherent inference to a right to property and the full use, misuse or enjoyment of it.

This idea begs the question; “is there really a right to property?” Is there an a priori right to say to all others on earth, “this land, talent or intellect is mine?” Would it not be true that in order to rightly, without contradiction, assert that land talent and/or intellect is your property, it must be of personal spontaneous creation? Has any man created land? Has any man’s talent and/or intellect not been informed and/or nurtured by others? If not, then the latter bundle of rights have no principle and are thereby an opinion born of ego and only enforceable by the use of power. These ideas are indefensible in light of justice or liberty, and completely contradictory to the stated fundamental tenets of Objectivism. The contradictions don’t stop there. Case in point; the very economic underpinnings (gold) of this new “utopia” are procured by looting (Ragnar, the “Pirate”). This example should conclude this thought exercise by illuminating the fact that to establish “property,” one has to first steal it!

It has been said that property is a privilege given by a higher authority and thus only enforceable by that higher authority. If that is true, property is not a priori or should I say, a natural right, but rightly falls under the projection of power over and encroachment upon individual liberty. Would it not be true to conclude that to attempt to enforce such a “right” upon another who opposes it and who could potentially also claim the same “a priori right,” constitute usurpation, robbery or looting, an assault against very justice and liberty the inhabitants of Gault’s Gulch, a.k.a. the “Utopia of Greed” vehemently lament the loss of? One could thus conclude that property (land, products, talent and intellect), as defined by personal undivided claim upon the thing, is negated and thus impossible because  the potential for unlimited identical claims upon the thing. Thus property is a logical fallacy and is relegated to mere usufruct#. A philosophy falls apart when built upon such defects.

The inhabitants of the self-described “Utopia of Greed” have extricated themselves from a corrupt world that no longer values or holds as sacred, talent, intellect, i.e. property, and its bundle of rights. This pilgrimage is similar to the plight and flight of the early American settlers, who left Europe and its monarchies to establish for themselves a place they individually and collectively could call their own. In establishing this primordial “Utopia of Greed” these early settlers effectively reestablished a monarchy, or more concisely speaking, a “monopoly of power” (Central banking, State and Federal governments) from which to draw enforcement of a new, seemingly more democratic theory of property. In doing this, they unknowingly gave rise to a power which ultimately can usurp all property (via eminent domain). In establishing the necessary monopoly of power to effectively administer property rights, they sowed the seeds of encroachment upon the very property they hoped to secure for themselves.

In this contemporary “Utopia of Greed,” idealized by Rand and realized in the fictional world of “Atlas Shrugged,” the avariced egoism necessary to demand full undivided personal enjoyment of the fruits of production, talent and property, is the same greed that informs the necessarily created political power monopoly (looters) that will eventually encroach upon every inhabitant’s property. This is because greed wherever it is allowed to reign, will require infinitely more, but on a finite earth, this is impossible, just as (in microcosm) this ethic is impossible in the finite geographical and economic sphere known as Gault’s Gulch. Therefore, over time, Gault’s Gulch will resemble the looter/moocher world they extricated themselves from.

There are other sublimations for greed besides material things, such as; affection, adoration or sex (the heroes in this story are greedy for these as well). But in these cases, society at least has the potential to fulfill those needs. In fact, a highly evolved society is one of etique (etiquette), in which those of genius and high talent are praised. But to what extent can greed be satisfied before its crosses over into plays of power against society and itself? Is greed even satiable?

Greed as the virtue will eventually commit suicide because of its ever-expanding need for consumption; going from carnivorous to cannibalistic then saprophytic, finally the need to turn on itself (Isaiah 9:20). Greed for property or anything else eventually necessitates looting or some form of usurpation or expropriation to satisfy it. Greed is a self-terminating ethos and is actually nihilism, the opposite of objectivism.

After an analysis of the philosophical underpinnings of the ethos of greed, and it incarnation as the “Utopia of Greed,” I am almost tempted to say Russian-born Rand purposely creates stylized farces of impossible logic in the form of literature, to appeal to avariced, but monied and powerful incumbent Western capitalists, in a covert attempt to destroy America (and its potential for true liberty) from within (without firing a single shot!).

"Atlas Shrugged" and the whole of Objectivism seems to be “rhetoric terrorism” in its induction of erred premises leading to a false conclusion, buttressed by and for the justification and rationalization of the monied and powerful incumbents in pursuit of their selfish interests; a sort of subversive romantic propaganda for the “radicalization of economic sociopaths.”

I think I fall short of unbridled McCarthyism# in my condemnation of it because there is clear evidence (vide post facto) of the effect of this subversion. It can be seen in the slow, but steady shift of the American zeitgeist (since the Great Deppression era) toward the plutocracy idealized in the Ayn Rand’s Objectivist philosophy. Modern America is now Rand’s “Utopia of Greed” realized. Which begs the question; “Is America better for it?”

Ayn Rand seems to be a siren to the affirmation biased economic and political elite. I say this because any good faith study into the ethos, logos and the lack of pathos1 in Rand’s Objectivist philosophy, would leave a true scientist wanting for any virtue beyond ego-driven positive anarchy and social darwinism for the sake of power incumbency. These incumbents use all pathological methods to propagate this ethos; art, music, religion and literature are instruments to reinforce this status quo.

Or...Ayn Rand may be a social re-engineering genius, understanding (and hoping) that intelligent people will see her philosophy of greed through a logical looking glass, as not utopian, but dystopian, replete with glaring fatal flaws in its contradictory premises, the unsustainability of its insatiable nature, its inevitable implosion and thus the impossibility of its full deployment as the virtue.

Because, how could a virtue be terminal?

Shouldn't a virtue be life-affirming, as opposed to homicidal, turning suicidal? With greed as its virtue, “Gault’s Gulch” and the Western capitalist society at-large can therefore only be a utopia for fools! Hopefully, this will be the final apprehension of Rand’s mythos.

1 (Objectivist’s do not account for emotion)

Saturday, April 07, 2012

The Substance of Rights

WARNING! I'm about to get all 1850's radical on you. Common “natural resources” should have shared access and use, that's a given, but I submit that for common “economic resources," there should be the same shared access and use. What economic resource am I describing?...Money! One might ask; "Is money a "common" resource?" The short answer is yes. The long answer has to do with the 14th Amendment, which created a national public debt (that cannot be questioned, by the way) and must be paid by all citizens through taxes, regardless of who racks it up. So if the debt, which constitutes 95+% of the circulating money, is a common obligation, why should it not be a common resource with open access and use? 

Because of the way money is created (by public debt), there should be no barrier to entry, no qualifier beyond citizenship and a legal and productive use for the money requested. (I am an advocate of opening the banksters purse straps to allow American innovation and ingenuity to grow the economy). There will be some winners and losers, but economic history has shown that winners outweigh losers. Totally open credit is the only salve for this economy...If banksters knew business, they'd be doing it! 

So, to get back to the original question; "What is a resource?" A resource is anything that can be transformed by labor to produce extra value. Since we have placed a dollar value on everything (even the natural), we have thus made money the preeminent resource, therefore access to money can have no legitimate privilege or qualifier. Or else we say to a human being, it is a privilege to live. But I do recall that our Constitution admits the “RIGHT TO LIFE.” So in an economy where money is the preeminent resource, every citizen should have a right to it as a function of their “right to life.” 

Moreover, all usury is theft and an encroachment on the RIGHT TO LIFE! 

Here's a logical syllogism that sums it up; We have accepted that all men have a right to life. If everything in this life (food, water and shelter) now costs money, then money becomes the substance of your right to life, and access to money becomes a right. If access to money becomes a right, then charging a price for, or making access to this substance a privilege becomes an encroachment on that accepted right to life. Therefore all charges for, or privilege to money is wrong/a violation/a unacceptable encroachment on the accepted and admitted right to life! The second phase of this encroachment on the right to life is profit, which is a logical extension of usury/interest/charge and privileged access to money. 

The way to cure this wrong/violation/sin/unacceptable encroachment on the "right to life," is to give free, unprivileged access to the money required to sustain life and uphold the fundamental "RIGHT TO LIFE."

“We the People” have established and entrusted the government to protect and enforce our natural rights, therefore it represents a breach of that trust for that government to allow or support a money system that operates in direct violation of our natural rights; the “RIGHT TO LIFE.”

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

W.E.B. DuBois on Booker T. Washington

In "The Soul of Black Folks" Chapter 3, paragraph 15, we see the logical fallacy of DuBois' argument against Booker T. Washington's "solidarity and hard work to mutual racial respect" paradigm. DuBois posits that Washington "represents in Negro thought the old attitude of adjustment and submission" such that it would be counter to self-respect. Additionally, that Washington's programme of material prosperity precluded and was a surrender from the "higher ideals of life."

Firstly, self-respect is existential and internal and can never be gained from any external acknowledgement. Second, the plight of social acceptance and assimilation is purely ego-driven, therefore can not constitute "higher ideals of life." I therefore submit that Booker T. Washington's view of self-actualizing work and the material sublimation inherent in it, allow for an existential journey toward self-respect. This process cannot be accomplished outside-in as W.E.B. DuBois asserts by his "political agitation" philosophy.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Whats with the business world's fascination with EXCITEMENT? Isn't "excitement" what get's us into financial trouble, i.e. Dot-com and Real-Estate bubbles? I prefer pragmatic actionable intelligence over "excitement" any day. The "Efficient Market Hypothesis" would work if "excitement" were replaced with fundamental analysis. Just a thought. Excitement vs pragmatism is a thought exercise to be had before engaging in any endeavor. Excitement is fleeting, sober-minded action leads to long-term viability. Excitement, is buying the newest gadget every month, pragmatism is upgrading only when necessary. Excitement is consumerism, pragmatism is thriftiness. Excitement is UNSUSTAINABLE because it leads to ever accelerating production and continuous growth on a finite planet. Excitement is fuckin' suicide!!! Still want excitement?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pleading love (2011)

i'm pleading love with you.
I'm pleading certain eternity,
against assumed entropy.
if it be a rose,
let it not be long stemmed,
but a bush.
allowing multiple glories,
and chances for redemption,
seventy times seven.
i'm pleading love with you

i'm pleading love with you.
not possesive.
for it is not ours to give.
shared and given back,
like the lives we live.
stewards of a conception that is never given birth.
it's vain to even think we could raise it's children.
i'm pleading love with you.

i'm pleading love with you.
more than a thought.
equal to a belief.
but less than tangible.
as delicate as it is precious.
as real as it is unrealistic.
if we touch it...
we probably missed it.
i'm pleading love with you

i'm pleading love with you.
trying to amplify the voice within.
the spirit bearing witness to the truth,
that I am not mine.
neither you, yours.
bought at ransom,
with the chore of chores
i'm pleading love with you.

i'm pleading love with you.
a commandment twice said;
love beloved
beloved love.
for life's sake,
not mine,
to be returned in-kind.
i'm pleading love with you.

i'm pleading love with you.
soul, mind, body.
latter incident to the former.
relegated to a lesser love;
former incident to the essence
source of a supreme love;
i'm pleading love with you.

i'm pleading love with you.
not with shadows;
me as god,
sex as intimacy
or knowledge as truth.
me as you,
thus intimacy with the essence,
because that's the truth.
i'm pleading love with you.

i'm pleading love with you.
co-counsel, disciple.
co-heir, ecclesiastical.
volitively compelled,
choiceless evangelical.
i'm not speaking to the masses!
this is your personal "road to Damascus"...

i'm pleading love with you.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The cellular makeup of a highly adaptive system, potentially strategy-based ad-hoc communication links, creating organic, purpose-based subsystems.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Life As An Oxymoron (Revised 2009)

We have a
Love, hate,
disconnected relationship,
with eachother's selves.
A cause resulting in
a singular duality,
that vigorously stagnates
our seemingly extinct existence.

Probably because
the practicing preachers
have dead lives.
While, religious politicians
tell believable lies.
Raising our lowered,
expectant agnosticism.

We learn to act natural
when we're alone together.
Clearly misunderstood
because our minds constantly change.

We give to what takes
and vise versa.
Always never saying;
wouldn't it be nice,
to be nothing?
To go nowhere...

But alas,
we are the pushed driven,
children parents,
of a once found, lost generation.
Caught and released
into an anarchic civilization.

Which ends up, leading to,
our paranoid rejection of rational assimilation
a logically absurd
form of vicarious existentialism.
A fantastic reality.....
maybe, maybe not?

But a society of individuals,
seems mutually exclusive.
But because of our false hope
in our legal freedoms,
our eyes are wide shut
to this minor crisis.
And although it's old news,
its still pretty ugly.

We are politically-correct,
Pro-life, woman's rights and
death penalty-supporting,
God-fearing, capitalistic,
SUV-driving, environmentalists.
Wanting to go to heaven, but trying to live forever.
This cognitive dissonance knows no demographic.
From listeners of Biggie Smalls
to Fatboy Slim.
But this is just my unbiased opinion.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Single Mom's Pain

I have been thinking of somethings said and unsaid. First it blows my mind that you have the nerve to say how dependent and self sufficient I need to be when you have no "concept" of the word, and what I mean by that is from what I know about you you have always been taking care and picked up which has enabled you to half step in everything you do you have always been with a woman who feels that she has to keep you she has to take care of you which leads to a dead end parasitic relationship and when both people feel they are sucked dry that resentment kicks in. Being the held of a household consists of more than your presence and throwing around a few demands. Secondly for you to feel that your presence is less needed in my child's life infuriates me for a number a reasons. Last night I cried like a baby and as crazy as it sounds I said to myself "Daddy where are you I need you to help me understand somethings" . I feel so alone you have no Idea. I have no one to talk to. Everyone around me says the same thing, your so strong which makes me feel that no one should see me weak. I have so much built anger, emptiness and emotions that I don't know what to do. I can't go to mom because of fear that I would be looked at as some stupid weak little girl that she did not "raise like that". I can't go to [name redacted to protect the innocent] because she has always "had it" so she could not even comprehend my "mess" and [name redacted to protect the innocent] has always been able to look to me for strength and a shoulder that she would not even know how to respond. I'm so sick of wearing this face of "togetherness" 24/7 . Yes I want to be allowed to be weak sometime, emotional, confused, an uncertain and not be frowned upon. A lot of this has a lot to do with not having a Father around and having to take on roles I was not yet ready for so, I am saying please do not downplay your role in our Daughter's life. I will eventually get over the fact that that's where you chose to spend your life but don't rush me. I know my time will come when i will meet a man who will love me whole heartily, unconditionally with no strings attached and for that I must be patient.


Friday, January 18, 2008

Her: Part II

aesthetic truth, she was
mathematical proof.
semiotic woman, she was.
aurally, optically and olfactorily.... seemingly aloof,
she was a gravitational force,
creating galaxies of adoration, she was
a pause in space-time
and a muse for my rhyme.
although speechless at the time.
she was all of these and nothing simultaneously.

what was it?
my circumspection precluding the erection
which would impel me to act?
or my circumcision, spiritual dissonance,
confirming my pact?
or was it my expectant disappointment,
my crystal 8-ball making me reticent?
could i not see the future?
no house, no little ones?
i could start it,
but could i get the middle done?
was it my lack of confidence,
fear of rejection?
or my common sense,
walls built for protection?
and for what defense?
regret, pain
unavoidable truths of life.
success, ecstasy,
unattainable, within this plight.

so i guess i'll file her under;
unprepared for opportunities (reserved hope)
filling a landfill of lost dreams (fires stoked)
burned into clouds
that rain down melancholy,
adding not to Love's growth.
washing out vibrant colors of reds and purples,
leaving muted pastel emotions.

so what's left of this life?
some settled-for, quasi reality
of easy victories,
and absurd truths,
hastily erected to scaffold the temple of pain and fear
adjacent to Love's cemetery?
which we regularly visit,
adorning the sepulchre with our tears.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Shall We Dance

shall we
exchange motions
of inverse proportions
symbiotic breaths
rhythmic contortions
thematic volleys
of truthful follies
enlightening as we go
shall we
keep time to
transcendental beats
and earth tones
sway to the harps strummed by cherubims
transforming waves
as they carom
from purple majesties
shall we dance
atop crystal lakes
reflecting us reflecting
as two souls become one
shall we dance the dance
wrapped in red velvet
a passionate musing
of modulating colloquy
a mental game of chance
shall we dance the dance...

of love

Queen Of The Night (Revised 2012)

i envision you
to the sound of a jazz trumpeter,
in a dimly backlit space
you seem to materialize
from the jasmine flavored smoke
as you lie gently on the alter
your love is the burnt offering
inviting me into your sanguine,
consecrated devotion

You are "Queen of the Night."

As the band plays,
each note taking me deeper
into this brown study.
The evocative composition
made by your body
inspires symbiotic eurythmics.

You are "Queen of the Night."

Music like waves,
seducing my surrender to your will.
You are a maestro;
legs docentship to the euphony,
arms advancing the adagio,
your voice as the wind,
cajoling the ketch.

You are "Queen of the Night."

I wake
like a shipwrecked castaway;
on a mystical black sand beach.
You emerge from the brush like an African Lilith,
with a knowing smile
and a rhetorical question...

are you glad you came?

- the thelosopher
Love: A Definition (Revised 2009 and 2012)

it establishes the orbits,
betwixt atoms, friends
and trees in a forest.
planets align along its axis.

trajectories bend to its will,
life the result.
both attracted and repulsed.
with respected boundaries,
and admired inner spaces,
burning sweetly within view

it sets order to chaos,
with unknowable plans.
an intellectual paradise,
balanced symbiosis.

it sets time and rhythm,
on scales intractable.
and unmeasurable bars;
a symphony estoile

it is ethereal,
but wholly foreseeable.
when inducted thus instructed,
unconsciously constructed;
love is its name

- the thelosopher

Monday, October 01, 2007

Education As A Commercial Transaction

Education As Commerce

Arguing about college affordability is oxymoronic and paradoxical. The motivations of an educated society should be altruistic. Education in the specter of commerce creates a cast society that was all but abolished with the Magna Carta. In order to pull America out of its greed-induced coma (thus awakening to the new world's knowledge economy), commerce needs to be extracted from all super-structure institutions, education being one of them.

How is America to compete with the world on equal footing when a large majority of the education (and Health-Care) systems of competing nations are funded by respective Govt.'s. American High School students are competing with Baccalaureates and our Baccalaureates are competing with Master degree holders, and so on. Not to mention the post-graduate debt that casts entry-level work force into instant and lasting poverty. The indentured servitude paradigm of the American educational system does not serve it's citizens or the nation as a whole.

The paradigm makes no logical sense unless you look at it from a economical standpoint. If this were a trial, I (being prosecutor) would be trying to establish motive. The question would then be; Who benefits from a less educated society? At this epoch in American history, where businesses are getting larger and more consolidated, there is lessening need for a highly-skilled workforce. The systems and processes are so tuned and established, that a monkey could be plugged into it and efficient functionality would be preserved. And monkeys are what our educational system is churning out.

Now, having established those premises, we have to ask; If education is not required for the job market on a need basis, then on what basis is it (education) required for the discussion of affordability to be anything other than moot? The education system as we know it has shifted from a purposeful activity toward the advancement of humankind, to a commerce-based free-market exchange. A bachelors degree is worth X amount of $, a Masters X amount and so on. In this paradigm college affordability is a proper argument to have.

The value of education has been calculated by actuaries, planned into bottom-lines by CFO's, and invested in by students with the hope of high returns. The market-based super-structure has usurped the "Good" of education, for self-improvement as benefit paradigm. Hence, you have less and less students pursuing the Liberal Arts. Sociologist's are not as marketable as MBA's! (Retraction: Sociologist's are recruited by major retail firms to figure out ways to market to you). Education for the sake of knowledge is a dying ethic.

Now that we know what the purpose and value of education is in our brave new world, we can haggle about cost vs. return. I propose the Federal Government, via the Department of Education subsidize ALL loans, mitigating the high interest rates for all loans. To do this all grant money would be shifted to subsidization efforts. This would allow for higher payouts (covering 100% of college costs for all students). This accomplishes three key goals of education finance; Availability, Coverage and Fairness. Because as we know, this is a market, therefore we all must pay to play. When we have our "Big Brother" haggling with banks for best prices, I'm betting he'll make offers they can't refuse.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Torture as Business (Revised 2011)

torture works, man
the vice gets tighter er'ry day
torture works, man,
you gotta pay to play

phlebotomy, or
secrets, for
fraudulent loans,
for homes,
now government owned.
how degrading,
when you gotta cheat to eat.
pulling out fingernails, dollars and souls.
torture works, man!
the vice gets tighter er'ry day.
torture works, man,
you gotta pay to play.

no one's immune.
interest rates impugned,
placed on heads of avariced goons
how does it feel?
when cracking whips get louder still.
so now we're all stretched thinner.
what's for dinner?
milk will cost a leg,
vegetables an arm.
we might as well eat each other.
torture works, man!
the vice gets tighter er'ry day.
torture works, man,
you gotta pay to play.

we're in stocks,
for stocks.
in bonds,
for bonds.
men under keys and locks.
hedged bets,
versus stacked decks.
mortgaging futures,
for futures,
when none exists
its gettin' hot in this convection oven!

overstuffed slave ships,
turns into
overtaxed wages and tips.
cold war defense systems,
now a different war
supported by new -isms.
Dow Jones got you disheveled?
or maybe just terror threat levels?
all of it increasing bottom-lines.
torture works, man!
the vice gets tighter er'ry day
torture works, man,
you gotta pay to play.

we're not averse to torture,
ends justify means.
its part of our culture,
blood stains the fabric of our jeans.
choose to comply,
or be an example.
our steeds pull men apart,
the others are trampled.
torture works, man!
the vice gets tighter er'ry day
torture works, man,
you gotta play or pay!

-the thelosopher